
Parts of larger commands.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.analyze_rich_output(method_metric, methods, metrics, sort) None

Performs analysis and displays results in a rich-formatted table.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.analyze_plain_output(methods, metrics, sort) None

Performs analysis and displays the python object’s representation.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.analyze_csv_output(method_metric, methods, metrics, sort) None

Performs analysis and displays the results in CSV format.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.aggregate_rich_output(aggregation, aggregation_method, methods, metrics) None

Analyse methods, and aggregates results.

Displays the results in a rich-formatted table.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.aggregate_plain_output(aggregation_method, methods, metrics) None

Analyse methods, and aggregates results.

Displays the python representation of the results.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.aggregate_csv_output(aggregation_method, method_metric, methods, metrics) None

Analyse methods, and aggregates results.

Displays the results in CSV format.

sourcery_analytics.cli.partials.read_settings(settings_file: Path, console: Console) Settings

Loads settings in the CLI.

Wraps the basic settings loader in order to print relevant error messages and exit with correct codes.